Real time digital job tracking

RETGo is RETCo’s innovative electronic allocation system, designed to enhance operational efficiency and transparency for our clients and their engineering teams. 

By operating in real-time, RETGo seamlessly connects digital dockets created by our drivers in the field directly to our clients, providing instant and accurate project data.

The system empowers site supervisors to review and approve digital dockets directly on our drivers’ mobile devices, ensuring swift verification and reducing administrative delays. Once approved, the nominated client representatives receive an immediate copy of the digital docket, streamlining communication and documentation processes.

RETCo complements this cutting-edge solution with certified management systems, including ISO 9001, 14001, and 45001 (quality, environmental, and safety standards), highlighting our commitment to operational excellence and industry-leading practices.

Our vision is to continuously refine and improve RETGo, ensuring it remains at the forefront of digital solutions for government and large-scale infrastructure projects, providing clients with tools to manage their projects more effectively and efficiently.